A big congratulations goes out to our two VFW Voice of Democracy winners this year. We had 14 submissions this year for the contest. Our First Place winner this year ($500) was Reese Hankins. Our Second Place winner ($200) was Zoe Anderson. Reese's oral essay will now move on to the State Competition which will be judged next week.
Friday, December 4, 2020
VOD Contest - Congratulations
Monday, November 9, 2020
Seniors Going to College - How Far Along Are You?
- Investigate colleges and possible majors to find a good fit. (See your counselor if you are struggling with this step.)
- Visit colleges (It is important to see if a specific college is a good fit for you.)
- Apply to colleges (All applications can be found on the colleges' websites.)
- Complete FAFSA (Please complete ASAP. You do not want to lose out on money that will be gone if you wait. FAFSA is mandatory this year for graduation.)
- Look for scholarship (Check out Scholarship link to the right and the Off to College Guide for more links to great scholarship websites.)
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Transferology - How Will Your Classes Transfer?
Are you taking college classes this year? Curious as to how they will transfer to your prospective schools? Check out transferology.com! You will need to create an account consisting of your name, email address, and password, but you will then be able to enter your current school and classes to compare them to credits you will earn at your next school. This is a great way to check out how your credits can check off graduation requirements before entering your four year university.
College Applications - Hurry Hurry Hurry
Each school has different deadlines and requirements for needed items. Be sure to check with each school to verify that you have the correct information. November 1st is a deadline for several schools, so check these out soon!
If you have any questions or need to clear any confusion, please see your counselor as soon as possible. We will try our best to help with any questions regarding applications, common app, Naviance, or even FAFSA.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
IVC Spring Dual Credit Classes
IVC is partnering with ICC to give our juniors and seniors a chance at earning college credit at a discounted price. Classes available are:
-- ART 110 Art Appreication
-- ENGL 110 Composition I
-- ENGL 111 Composition II
-- MATH 110 Concepts of Mathematics
-- MATH 111 General Statistics
-- PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology
-- SOC 110 An Introduction to Sociology
-- BUS 110 Introduction to Business
-- HLTH 121 Medical Terminology
If you have any interest in taking any of these classes, all of which are held virtually, please contact your counselor ASAP or call IVC Guidance and 274-5481 x2. The deadline to enroll is Friday, October 30th.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
How To Write a Personal Statement
There are limited spots available for this webinar. It is only being offered to students from the Peoria area at this time. Students can sign up to participate with the link below:
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Virtual College Week - Up and Going
Thursday, October 1, 2020
$500 Up for Grabs to an IVC Student
Topic: Is This the Country the Founders Envisioned?
Grades: 9-12
Top Prize: $500
Second Prize: $200
Due Date: October 30th
For more details: Entry forms may be picked up from any counselor, English teacher or social studies teacher.
Basically students will need to write an essay and then turn it to an audio file. It is actually quite simple. The teachers at the high school use many different programs to save audio. Students should ask their English teacher if they are unsure what program to use.
Link to Rules/Application
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Financial Aid Presentation
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Financial Aid Presentation |
Last night was the Financial Aid Presentation hosted by Brady, our ISAC representative. Almost 30 people attended the virtual event. Great turnout. For those who were not able to attend, we have attached the slide portion of that presentation.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
College Rep Virtual Week is set!
Students will be called to the library to participate in this first-ever, week-long event.
Monday, September 28, 2020
College Isn't For Everyone - Week 2
College isn't for everyone...How about a career in the skilled trades? Each week we will be featuring a 2 minute video created by Dirty Jobs' Host Mike Rowe which hopefully sheds a bright light on the skilled trades.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Helpful Website for Teens
U of I - Program Explorer Tool
Before students apply to U of I, they are encouraged to check out the Program Explorer tool.
For each major at U of I, the Program Explorer tool provides a brief description, what graduates do with the degrees, how much the program costs, graduation and retention rates, related majors, and more.
Students can also take a self-assessment to discover which of the majors relate to their interests, explore majors by Holland type, and compare majors side by side.
Since students are admitted by major at UIUC, this tool is especially important to those applying. Hopefully this tool will help them make an informed decision on prospective major.
Friday, September 18, 2020
College Isn't For Everyone
College isn't for everyone...How about a career in the skilled trades? We will be featuring a weekly video created by Dirty Jobs' Host Mike Rowe which hopefully sheds a bright light on the skilled trades.
Click below for a list of skilled trade careers that do not require a four year degree.
Get the most out of Khan Academy and SAT - and it's FREE
Are you looking for ways to prepare for SAT? It is less than a month away seniors (Oct. 14th) and will be used for many scholarship opportunities later in the year. It is so simple to link your PSAT scores with Khan Academy to get a personalized study plan for the SAT. The video above explains.
For those who did not take the PSAT, Khan Academy is still a great way to prepare for the SAT.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Illinois Colleges with No Application Fees
Augustana College
Aurora University
Bradley University
Eastern IL University - No fee until Oct. 15th
Elmhurst College
Eureka College
Illinois College
Illinois Wesleyan University
McKendree University
Millikin University
Monmouth College
Northern IL University
Rockford University
Southern IL - Carbondale - No fee until October 31st
Southern IL - Edwardsville - No fee from Oct 5-16
College for Free - It's Possible
Recipients must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be a first-time incoming freshman enrolling full-time in the fall 2021 semester or later
- Have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.75 or higher
- Have an annual family income less than $63,575 with assets less than $50,000 based on the FAFSA
- Be an Illinois resident who attended an Illinois high school
- Be a dependent student under age 24
- Be eligible for Federal financial aid

- Have a current FAFSA on file by December 1
- Apply for admission by March 1
- Enroll in a four-year degree program at SIU Carbondale
- Stay enrolled full-time for eight consecutive fall and spring semesters
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress in order for the commitment to be renewed
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Illinois State Universities - At A Glance
State Universities - Summaries At a Glance
This document provides a summary of minimum high school course requirements for admission of freshman to Illinois public universities. That includes course requirements, foreign language requirements, admissions requirements, application filing dates, and tuition and fees.
State Universities - Majors At a Glance
This document provides a summary of majors at Illinois public universities.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Awesome Virtual College Fairs - Start This Weekend
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Senior Parents - FAFSA Completion Now Required
More information will soon be coming out about the new law requiring the filling out of FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by high school seniors and parents. IVC will conduct a number of FAFSA workshops throughout the year to help families through the process. The FAFSA is used when determining the amount of aid that a student can receive while attending post-secondary schooling. The following article explains the rationale behind the new law.
The new law allows families to sign a waiver, for those not wanting to complete the application.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the law to nudge more students to access federal dollars for their post-secondary plans, whether they’re paying for college or vocational schools.
“This law will help give students the freedom to choose the pathway that’s best for them – not the path they’re forced down because nobody gave them the information to explore their options,” Pritzker said in a statement. “My administration will do everything in our power to make college an option for any student who wants that opportunity.”
SAT Coming Up in October
What: State SAT test
Who: All Seniors
When: Wednesday, October 14th
Where: IVC High School (possible other location for remote learners TBA)
Cost: Free
The state mandated SAT test will be taking place next month for all seniors at IVC. This test is a graduation requirement. Although many colleges and universities are going test optional for the current class of high school seniors, it is important that the students do their best on this test. It has the possibility of increasing chances at successful admissions and boost their opportunities at earning scholarships for college and/or trade schools. For free SAT testing strategies and practice tests, check out www..khanacademy.org/.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
College 101 Presentation
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College 101 Presentation |
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Attention SENIOR PARENTS: Some Important Parent Dates
Obviously Co-vid has changed a lot of things at the high school. The counseling department will be doing our best to keep the parents and students informed about everything. Listed below are our parent events.
Off to College Parent Breakfast (IN PERSON)
This is our 13th year offering an Off to College Breakfast. The breakfast will cover the application process, some of the ins and outs of college, tips for parents, and more. The program lasts about 45-60 minutes.
Colleges Visiting IVC in 2020
Each year, over 20 colleges visit IVC to meet with prospective students. Because of Covid-19, that plan will look a little different this year. Starting very soon, we will begin having Admission Reps from schools meet with the students, but it will all take place virtually. We will compile a list of virtual meetings. Students will be allowed to join these visits on their Chromebooks at the designated times.
- Students who are remote learning will also be able to join these visits.
- There is no reason a parent couldn't also join in, listen to the presentation, and ask any pertinent questions.
- We will be able to host more colleges since travel for the Admission Reps is not involved.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Juniors - PSAT TEST - Sign Up Now
What: PSAT/NMSQT TestWho: Open to any juniorWhen: October 14th
The PSAT/NMSQT is a great way to preview and practice for the SAT. It will test the same skills and knowledge as the SAT. When you get your test results, connect your College Board and Khan Academy®accounts to get free personalized SAT study recommendations.How The Coronavirus Has Upended College Admissions
The coronavirus has certainly wreaked havoc to this year's college admissions process. This story appeared on NPR recently. It details the situation very well with a well rounded explanation and tips for parents and students. Available as a 7 minute audio clip or article.
Welcome to Parchment - What is it?

Parchment is the electronic transcript site that makes sending transcripts simple. It is completely free for all students currently in high school. The best part...it takes about 2 minutes to go on the site and request a transcript. The counselors then click an approve button and the colleges have the transcript. It is the only way that transcripts will be sent to colleges, universities, NCAA, etc.
Reminder to seniors: You must register using the email that was sent to your school email from Parchment. Registration takes about 5-10 minutes but will only need to be done once. After you are registered, ordering transcripts couldn't be simpler.
Note to Parents: The student must sign up for Parchment using the link to his/her school email address. Any accounts using other email addresses will not work because the account will not be properly linked to our school. Please encourage the students to set up the account as soon as possible. It is the only way transcripts will be sent.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Meet The Counseling Department
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Mr. Kosinski - Mr. K is the counselor for students whose last name begins with the letters A-K. This is his 20th year at IVC, making him old. He is in charge of all of the retreats. Hopefully we will be having some this year. He also takes a group of students to Michigan each summer to work on a Native American Reservation. Fun fact...Mr. K's daughter Becky recently got engaged.
Mrs. Davis - Mrs. Davis is the counselor for students whose last name begins with the letters L-Z. This is her 8th year at IVC. She is an IVC alumnus, class of 2006. While not at IVC, she spends most of her time loving on her puppy (even though he's 5) and 14 month old son James. Fun fact...she has the soul of a 90 year old lady. She enjoys crocheting, crossword puzzles, and Murder She Wrote.
Ms. Lee - Ms. Lee is the counselor for students with IEPs and 504s. This is also her 8th year at IVC. She lives in the tiny town of Manito, but we won't hold that against her. She is a huge fan of positive energy. Her 3 1/2 yr old twins, Georgia and Avery, are absolutely adorable. Fun fact...Ms. Lee has her own YouTube Show, Angie's Action Kitchen.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Welcome to the School Year
Friday, June 12, 2020
Virtual Honors Night - Scholarship Presentation
Again, thanks goes out to IVC Alum Joe Gleason who put in countless hours creating this video.
The recipients of tonight's scholarships will receive all pertinent information regarding the scholarships in the mail next week.
Virtual Honors Night - Awards Presentation
Special note: The Scholarship portion of the presentation will be available at 6:00 p.m.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Ghost-a-gram: Week 5 Concludes

Thursday, April 23, 2020
SAT Date Added - September 26th
Monday, April 20, 2020
Ghost-a-gram: Week 4 Concludes
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Ghost-a-gram: Week 3 Concludes

Thursday, April 9, 2020
Fitness with the Hofers
* strengthens muscles and bones
* increases energy levels
* improves emotional health
* a healthier heart
* lowers blood pressure
* supports a healthy weight
* supports positive outlook and healthy habits
The American Heart Association posted a short article that highlights all those benefits, check it out: Why is physical activity so important for health and wellbeing?
Physical activity does not look the same for everyone so if you are moving and busting a sweat, you're doing a great job! Grey Ghost Nation- our challenge for you is to complete 20 minutes of physical activity a day. Ready..set...go!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
The Power of a Schedule

1. Makes us more efficient
2. Reduces our need to plan
3. Creates structure
4. Instills good habits
5. Prioritization
6. Reduces procrastination
7. Builds momentum
8. Builds self confidence
9. Helps reduce stress and schedule time for self care
10. Helps us achieve our goals
Monday, April 6, 2020
Ghost-a-gram: Week 2 Concludes
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Journaling: The power found in the pen
Virtual Meeting? We can do that

- What's going on with college next year?
- I am overwhelmed by everything.
- How do I change a class for next year?
- How do I begin tackling all of these classes?
- My brother and sister are driving me crazy.
- I miss my favorite counselor.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Frequently Asked Questions - Round 1
Monday, March 30, 2020
Ghost-a-gram Challenge: Week One Concludes
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Ghost-a-gram: A fun way to connect reminder!!!
As we embark on this "Together, yet separate" mentality, we want to find different ways to remotely connect with all of YOU! Our counseling department feels confident speaking for all district employees by stating, WE MISS SEEING YOU! With all that being said, we proudly present to you "Ghost-a-gram Challenge! Ghost-a-gram is our version of Instagram, but there is a twist....we want you to capture the different learning activities you are completing at home and then send them to us! The pictures or videos will count as an entry in our weekly Ghost-a-gram Challenge. Please submit your entries via email (see below department email addresses). The challenge opens every Monday and closes Sunday evening. The weekly winner will be announced Monday morning, with their photo or video, here on our IVC blog. I know the question you're asking is why?
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Career Exploration Activity - Part Two

When you are finished, you should hopefully have...
- identified schools in which you may be interested,
- looked at important info about the school such as size, location, programs, cost, etc.
- saved those schools as ones in which you are interested. This will help your counselor in the future when we meet with you about your plan after high school.
Ghost-A-Gram: A fun way to connect!
1. Staying connecting
2. You win a PRIZE!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Career Exploration Activity - Part One
- Go to the Career Home screen.
- Click on Explore Careers and begin your exploration. You can choose by the exact career name or search by career cluster.
- Be sure to investigate the schooling necessary, salary range, and outlook for the career in the future.
- Watch a video or two on Roadtrip Nation for each of your careers.
- Save the each career as a favorite. This will help your counselor track what careers each of you are interested in pursuing.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Career Fair This Thursday
Students will attend four breakout sessions (25 minutes each), a keynote speaker, and have two 25 sessions to spend in the commons checking out colleges, etc.
Click below for a list of the careers having breakout sessions