1. Staying connecting
2. You win a PRIZE!!!
The winner will receive a food delivery from one of the local businesses that is still delivering. It is a win-win for Grey Ghost Nation: we stay connected, you win a prize, AND we support local businesses. We will begin over spring break so start sharing your Ghost-a-grams on Monday, March 23rd. Here are some examples you can send:
1. Fun hand washing videos
2. Cooking with mom or dad
3. Learning to change your car's oil
4. Before and after pictures of you cleaning your room
5. You completing laundry- and that means folding too!!
6. Google Hang Out video chats with friends
7. Cleaning your house
The number one thing here is TO HAVE FUN!! We are all new to this situation, and gratefully, having fun is not cancelled. Let the Ghost-a-gram games begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shana Placher - splacher@ivcschools.com
Laura Davis - ldavis@ivcschools.com
Mark Kosinski - mkosinski@ivcschools.com
Angie Lee - alee@ivcschools.com