1. Makes us more efficient
2. Reduces our need to plan
3. Creates structure
4. Instills good habits
5. Prioritization
6. Reduces procrastination
7. Builds momentum
8. Builds self confidence
9. Helps reduce stress and schedule time for self care
10. Helps us achieve our goals
I know we are approaching the end of "two minutes of your time," but the IVC staff is here to support you in creating a schedule that best supports you academically and your mental health. The following is an example that you can guide you in the process:
9 am- wake up, eat breakfast, and shower
10 am- English
11 am- Physical Education (go outside and learning about planting; walk around the block)
Noon- Math
1 pm- Youtube break
2 pm- Elective (Foods)
3 pm- Journal Entry (reflecting on your current journey)
4 pm- Connect with friends or family
5 pm- Dinner with your family
6 pm- Break (video games, etc.)
7 pm- Prepare for your day tomorrow
8 pm- Listen to music and unwind
9 pm- Get for ready for bed
Again, the best part about creating a schedule is YOU have the control. It is important to be intentional with your time because time is nonrefundable.