By the end of 9th grade, a student should know:
- One or two career clusters for further exploration and development
- The relationship between high school coursework, attendance, and grades to post-secondary plans
- Importance of community service and extracurricular activities to post-secondary and career plans
- Different types of post-secondary institutions and credentials
- General timing of college entrance exams and applications
- Educational requirements, cost, expected entry level, and midpoint salary for occupations in selected career pathway
- Benefit of early college credit opportunities to post-secondary access and completion
By the end of 11th grade, a student should know:
- Negative impact of remediation on post-secondary goals
- 3-5 match schools, one safety school, and one reach school for post-secondary program of study
- Entrance requirements, including application deadlines for expected post-secondary program of study
By the end of 12th grade, a student should know:
- Estimated cost of each post-secondary option
- Terms and conditions of any scholarship or loan
- How career pathway courses and experiences translate to degree programs at post-secondary options