What a great way to visit campus ICC campus and learn about different programs offered. Illinois Central College has released this year's Friday Campus Visit Days.
Reserve your spot online at http://icc.edu/admissions/campus-visits/
The full list of visit days is as follows:
Sept. 23 - Health Careers
Sept. 30 - Financial Aid (FAFSA)
Oct. 7 - Agriculture/Horticulture
Oct. 14 - Engineering
Oct. 21 - POWER Programs (automotive, diesel, GM ASEP, and CAT)
Oct. 28 - Education
Nov. 4 - Business/Computer Info Systems
Nov. 11 - Transfer (transitioning from ICC to a 4 yr school)
Nov. 18 - General Info about ICC
Dec. 2 - Undecided (includes a career interest survey)
Dec. 9 - Health Careers
Jan. 20 - Fine and Performing Arts
Jan. 27 - Undecided (includes a career interest survey)
Feb. 3 - Graphic Design
Feb. 10 - Criminal Justice/Paralegal/Law Enforcement/Fire Science
Feb. 17 - Psychology, Sociology
Mar. 3 - Culinary Arts
Mar. 24 - Genral Info about ICC