Thursday, April 12, 2018

Early Graduation

The early graduation process at IVC has been formalized for this upcoming school year. This morning, the Guidance Department and Administration met with the current junior class to explain the idea of early graduation and what the process of early graduation looks like.

The early graduation process will include an application and interview for interested students. To better explain the process, a list of frequently asked questions follows.

What are the requirements to graduate early?

Students must have completed all graduation requirements, have a specific post-secondary plan, and provide documentation of authenticity of a post-secondary plan. Students must complete and submit the Early Graduation Application Form by June 1st prior to senior year.

How do students obtain an application for early graduation?

The Early Graduation Application Form must be picked up and returned to the student’s specific Guidance Counselor. All applications must be received by June 1st.

Who decides if a student is eligible to graduate early?

There is a committee of faculty and administrators who will review all applications. Before final approval is given in the fall, students will need to interview with the committee. All documentation will be reviewed.

What documentation will be needed?

In addition to the Early Graduation Application, the student will need to provide a letter of acceptance to a post-secondary school, letter of acceptance to the military, or a letter stating that full-time employment will be in place upon graduation.

Will student be able to walk at graduation in May?

Students will be able to walk at commencement ceremony in May. There will not be a separate ceremony in December for early graduates.

Are there any excluded activities for a student who graduates early?

Yes. Since students who graduate early are no longer active students, they will not be permitted to participate in any extra-curricular activities after the early graduation date. This means that student athletes will not be able to compete in winter or spring athletics. In addition, they are not eligible for any local scholarships. They may not purchase tickets to school dances (Swing and Prom). This is not an all-inclusive list but does touch on the main exclusions when a student graduates early.

What other options are available for students to earn college credits or work experience?

Half-day at ICC - This gives the student the same number of college credits going into college next fall and keeps him or her engaged in high school for the full year. See a counselor for more details.

Co-op - If a student wants to jump into the workforce but does not necessarily want to graduate early, he or she can spend half the school day earning money. The student works with Ms. Jones to find a co-op placement in an area of interest.