Tuesday, October 24, 2023
College Applications - Check Those Deadlines!
The College Application process is underway and seniors should be applying. There are a lot of steps to navigate so it is important that the process get started.Each school has different deadlines and requirements for needed items. Be sure to check with each school to verify that you have the correct information. November 1st is a deadline for several schools, so check these out soon!
If you have any questions or need to clear any confusion, please see your counselor as soon as possible. We will try our best to help with any questions regarding applications, common app, Naviance, or even FAFSA.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
ICC EMS and CNA Applications Released
- EMS and Fire Safety Program - Open to Seniors - Click here for more info
- CNA Program - Open to Juniors and Seniors - Click here for more info
Thursday, October 5, 2023
How to negotiate a financial aid package!!
Great video from IVC graduate Micah Schultz '20 about how to get the most out of your financial aid package. Well done Micah!
Senior Retreat Is Right Around the Corner
Some info about the retreat...
-- The retreat is four days in length and nearly 100% led by a group of five seniors.
-- This is the 35th retreat. Over 1,000 students have attended the retreat over the past eighteen years.
-- If a student would like to attend but cannot afford the retreat ($90), there are some partial and full scholarships available if the student comes to see one of the counselors.
Please see one of the counselors for a registration sheet. The sheets are due by October 20th but space will fill up before that. See any Mr. Kosinski with questions.
Questions to Ask While on a College Visit
One of the best ways to learn more about a college is to visit their campus. When you're visiting, it is to your advantage to slow down and ask several questions. While it is helpful to talk to the admission staff (individuals who are paid to talk up a school), it also very insightful to talk to students about what they like and don't like about their school (individuals who will give their honest opinion).
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Juniors - PSAT Test Next Week - Sign up now
Who: Open to any junior
When: October 13th
In addition, when you take the PSAT/NMSQT, you’re automatically screened for the National Merit® Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships.
There are only 35 spots available. You can sign up with Mrs. Placher in the counseling office. The test will cost $17.00. Checks can be made out to IVC. Payment must be received before test day. We will test on October 13th, 2023 at 8:00 am.
Important Information from UIUC
The University of Illinois has just released information from all of the undergraduate colleges within the university. This is an important read for any student planning on attending UIUC.
Please click below for info...