Tuesday, October 12, 2021

IVC/ICC Spring Dual Credit Classes

IVC is partnering with ICC to give our juniors and seniors a chance at earning college credit at a discounted price. Classes available are:

-- ART 110 Art Appreciation
-- BUS 110 Intro to Business
-- COMM 110 Intro to Communication
-- ENGL 110 Composition I
-- ENGL 111 Composition II
-- HLTH 121 Medical Terminology
-- MATH 110 Concepts of Mathematics
-- MATH 111 General Statistics
-- PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology
-- SOC 110 An Introduction to Sociology

A detailed description of these classes can be found here. If you have any interest in taking any of these classes, all of which are held virtually, please email ldavis@ivcschools.com. The deadline to enroll is Tuesday, October 19th.