On September 25th Illinois State University held the 11th year of State Articulation Unplugged. It is an opportunity for guidance counselors to meet with different public and private universities to obtain yearly updates. In the first half of the program we received updates from 12 public universities. The following two links will highlight our discussion:
12 Reasons to Stay in Illinois
Gives you a one-page look at each state university. Includes enrollment data, tuition, important contacts and dates, and some financial aid info.
State Universities at a glance
A multi-page booklet that lists a ton of info for the state universities including: a comparative list of available majors, freshman requirements, important deadlines, and financial information
In addition, we attended a college fair and received an abundance of information in regards to schools and their different programs. If your child is looking for additional information in regards to their college or program, please see your guidance counselor.