Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Local Scholarship List Released

The counselors met with the senior class this morning to present all of the local scholarships available to the students for the 2024-25 school year. All scholarship applications will be due on April 2nd. No late applications will be accepted.

Any student who was not in attendance is encouraged to take a look at the presentation by clicking here and stopping by the counseling office to pick up the scholarship list.

All scholarships must be accessed through Naviance. Students can log in to Naviance using Clever.  The list of scholarships can be found by clicking here or the link in the Local Scholarships Section to the right. All scholarships must be filled out by the students using their email accounts.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Attention Seniors: Local Scholarship Dates Announced

Each year, over $100,000 is given out in local scholarships. These scholarships range from $250 to $40,000.  Last year, there were 50+ different scholarships awarded to graduating seniors.  With the growing cost of college, every penny helps.

Here is a breakdown of the upcoming dates...

Wednesday, February 19  - Local Scholarship Meeting - Extended HR

Students will see a presentation on all of the available scholarships. They will also receive a handout which lists each scholarship.  That sheet will be posted on this blog on the 19th for all students and parents to view. All scholarships will be available through Naviance on the 19th.

Click below for the rest of the dates.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Community Foundation of Central Illinois Scholarships

 Community Foundation of Central Illinois Scholarship

Community Foundation of Central Illinois offer scholarships to the Central Illinois area. Click the link below to see more details about deadlines and scholarship qualifications.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

WIU Fee Waiver through the end of February

From WIU Admissions:
Our admissions application remains open and we are making admissions decisions for Fall 2025. Students may use either the Western Illinois application or the Common Application to apply:

Fee Waiver through Feb. 28
We want to support students still making college decisions or re-thinking earlier plans. We will automatically waive the application fee for students who apply by February 28. This will save the student $30. 

A How-to Guide for Freshman Registration

 Planning a schedule for freshman year can be quite an intimidating process. Hopefully this blog post will help students and parents through the process. The pink registration sheets are due by Friday, Feb 28th to the student's grade school main office. Class selection should also be inputted into TeacherEase before returning the sheets (for those students with access to TeacherEase.) 

The front side of the registration sheet is the demographic portion. It is important that it be filled out completely since the information will be entered into the computer system.

Please click below for further instructions...

Financial Aid Application Nonparticipation Form

Senior students and their parents are able to submit the FAFSA starting December 1 for the class of 2025 using the website

Parents/students who do not want to complete the FAFSA will need to submit the FAFSA non participation to the ISAC portal by May 1 of the year they graduate.  The directions for nonparticipation form can be found by clicking here.

Completing the FAFSA or nonparticipation form is a graduation requirement for IVC High School.