Below is a list of important dates this year with a short description of each. We encourage seniors and parents to attend as many of these programs as possible. For more info on any of them, please call (309) 274-5481 x2.
Off to College Breakfast
Friday, Sept 7th
8:00 a.m. - Chillicothe Library
This is our 10th year offering an Off to College Breakfast at the Chilli library. The breakfast will cover the application process, some of the ins and outs of college, tips for parents, and more. The program lasts about 45-60 minutes.
Financial Aid/Scholarship Night
Wednesday, Sept 12th
6:00 p.m. - IVC Library
A representative from the IL Student Assistance Commission will be at IVC to present a program on financial aid and scholarships. This program is very informative, especially for those parents who are new to the college application process.
FAFSA Night - Wednesday, October 17th
6:00 p.m. - IVC Library
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can be tricky sometimes. This program is designed to help you navigate the application and make the process much easier.